Bonnie J. Anderson

LL.B., B.A., BEDes., Counsel

###Areas of Expertise

+ Municipal Planning
+ Zoning
+ Land Development

###Year of Call
+ 2001 (Alberta)

### Education
+ University of Saskatchewan, 2000, LL.B. (Distinction)
+ Universities of Manitoba and Saskatchewan, 1994-1997, Graduate Studies Courses: Urban Planning
+ University of Manitoba, 1994, B.A. (Economics)
+ University of Manitoba, 1994, BEDes (Architecture/Urban Planning) (Gold Medal)

Bonnie J. Anderson

Bonnie offers a broad range of expertise in municipal planning, zoning and land use matters in Alberta.  She ably draws on her unique academic background and extensive work experience to provide strategic advice to private clients looking to successfully navigate the land development process. Understanding the process, relevant details, and motivation of stakeholders, is key to her success - and her client's success.

She has appeared before the Alberta Land and Property Rights Tribunal, Municipal Subdivision and Development Appeal Boards, Municipal Councils, Municipal Planning Commissions, Court of King's Bench and Court of Appeal.

She provides advice on all municipal matters:

  • Development permit applications and appeals
  • Subdivision (including condos and stratas) applications and appeals
  • Rezoning applications and public hearings
  • Negotiating conditions of approval and development agreements, including:
  • land dedication requirements (reserves, roads); levies and assessments; land exchange; heritage transfer; oversizing; endeavors to assist; ECR agreements (Easements, Covenants and Restrictions Agreements for strata subdivisions); easements and right-of-way agreements (access, parking, waste, recycling, utilities, drainage, storm water, servicing); restrictive covenants (use, no-build, architectural control guidelines)
  • Interpreting legislation and planning instruments, including: Municipal Government Act and regulations; land use bylaws; direct control (DC) districts; statutory plans; municipal bylaws, guidelines and policies
  • Liaising with municipal administration, councilors, board members, provincial regulators, adjacent landowners and other relevant stakeholders
  • Responding to enforcement of planning rules and regulations
  • Challenging municipal decisions - judicial review applications and appeals
  • Registering documents and subdivision plans; conducting historical research; and processing applications at the Land Titles Office


  • "Bonnie is outstanding in her knowledge of land use planning, land use zoning and municipal regulations and plans that affect our operations."
  • "She's excellent in her knowledge of policies, appeals, land issues and development work."
  • "Bonnie is a highly skilled and knowledgeable lawyer who is attentive and clearly cares about her clients. As a client, you feel like you're in good hands and getting the best service offered in the city."


  • Chambers Canada - Real Estate, Zoning/Land Use: Ranked Band 1 - 2018 to date
  • Lexpert - Property Development: Repeatedly Recommended


  • Canadian Bar Association
  • Alberta Expropriation Association
  • (BILD) Building Industry & Land Development, Urban Planning Committee, and Off Site Levy Committees


  • Metis Nation of Alberta

Bonnie J. Anderson

Bonnie offers a broad range of expertise in municipal planning, zoning and land use matters in Alberta.  She ably draws on her unique academic background and extensive work experience to provide strategic advice to private clients looking to successfully navigate the land development process. Understanding the process, relevant details, and motivation of stakeholders, is key to her success - and her client's success.

She has appeared before the Alberta Land and Property Rights Tribunal, Municipal Subdivision and Development Appeal Boards, Municipal Councils, Municipal Planning Commissions, Court of King's Bench and Court of Appeal.

She provides advice on all municipal matters:

  • Development permit applications and appeals
  • Subdivision (including condos and stratas) applications and appeals
  • Rezoning applications and public hearings
  • Negotiating conditions of approval and development agreements, including:
  • land dedication requirements (reserves, roads); levies and assessments; land exchange; heritage transfer; oversizing; endeavors to assist; ECR agreements (Easements, Covenants and Restrictions Agreements for strata subdivisions); easements and right-of-way agreements (access, parking, waste, recycling, utilities, drainage, storm water, servicing); restrictive covenants (use, no-build, architectural control guidelines)
  • Interpreting legislation and planning instruments, including: Municipal Government Act and regulations; land use bylaws; direct control (DC) districts; statutory plans; municipal bylaws, guidelines and policies
  • Liaising with municipal administration, councilors, board members, provincial regulators, adjacent landowners and other relevant stakeholders
  • Responding to enforcement of planning rules and regulations
  • Challenging municipal decisions - judicial review applications and appeals
  • Registering documents and subdivision plans; conducting historical research; and processing applications at the Land Titles Office


  • "Bonnie is outstanding in her knowledge of land use planning, land use zoning and municipal regulations and plans that affect our operations."
  • "She's excellent in her knowledge of policies, appeals, land issues and development work."
  • "Bonnie is a highly skilled and knowledgeable lawyer who is attentive and clearly cares about her clients. As a client, you feel like you're in good hands and getting the best service offered in the city."


  • Chambers Canada - Real Estate, Zoning/Land Use: Ranked Band 1 - 2018 to date
  • Lexpert - Property Development: Repeatedly Recommended


  • Canadian Bar Association
  • Alberta Expropriation Association
  • (BILD) Building Industry & Land Development, Urban Planning Committee, and Off Site Levy Committees


  • Metis Nation of Alberta