Real Estate & Expropriation Disputes
Our lawyers have acted for individual landowners, developers, corporations and investors in connection with a wide range of real estate development disputes and expropriation claims. Rose LLP's Calgary real estate and expropriation disputes practice helps parties navigate these challenges with confidence.
Real Estate Development Disputes
Land owners and real estate developers face unique challenges in respect of land development. With undertakings ranging from large-scale industrial or mixed-use developments, to sensitive infill projects or the preservation of neighbourhoods, navigating the complexities of local regulations, contract interpretation issues, restrictive covenants and land use disputes can be daunting.
We have extensive experience in real estate development law, with a deep understanding of land use and environmental approvals, as well as contract interpretation issues. Our lawyers also have experience in respect of municipal law, through the challenge of bylaws and municipal authority. Our lawyers have appeared before administrative tribunals and all levels of court in Alberta.
Expropriation Claims
We have extensive experience acting for claimants seeking fair and full compensation for expropriation and constructive takings, including proceedings before the Land and Property Rights Tribunal (formerly the Land Compensation Board). We have represented clients seeking compensation for expropriations by the City of Calgary and the Province of Alberta, as well as other entities.
Our litigation team is well-versed in the legislative framework governing these types of claims. We have acted in respect of many different types of property and business interests, including expropriations involving complex property valuation issues and disputes overentitlement to expropriate.